
Friday, March 26, 2021

Sofia W7 Reading


Sofia project Change

Sofia self-portrait


this was my Cybersmart for the week
we had  to take a photo of our-self and we used a thing called colour pick eyedropper then we had to outline it and had to colour then  I decided to add a little background and then it was dine  

the thing that changed my life forever

  This was the time that I had butterfly stitches.So it all stared of I was yelling out to dad I could hear him but did not know where he was.At my house we have these stairs with a brick wall on the side(this is outside)And my feet were on the edge of the stairs I ended up losing balance and fell.I tumbled down the stairs and hit my left side of my head on the brick wall.It split my left side of my head,I was screaming in pain I walked inside and opened the door but as I walked inside I jammed my finger in the door which   made it heart even more more I ran inside crying mum and dad were sitting on the couch as soon as they saw me they took me to an ANE it was also a Dentist.When we got there Dad bought me a little pack of m and ms.The nurse called me when I went inside the room she took my temperature and my blood pressure  which were all OK. She said to mum I need butterfly stitches Then we went back out into the waiting room.Finally the person who was going to do my butterfly stitches came I had to be holed down by mum and dad.I was scramming in pain.Finally it was over I still had tears coming down my face .Later on (we are home now)I have my family over I haven't said this yet this happened on my 3rd birthday so carry on mum made me a cake with cream inside,at that age I did not like cream so it was on of the worst birthdays I have have ever had in my life so far.

Friday, March 19, 2021

The new planet

 "hurry up" I yelled at mum was talking to a lady that she works with for 20 minuets "we are going to be late for our rocket ship "I said "OK"mum finally said I was very happy but she just kept on talking "MUM WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE"I yelled I just can't take it anymore I walked up to Mum very angry pool mum's arm and walk away "OK bye"mum yelled to the lady she was talking too.We got to the entry of the rocket ship dad was there waiting for me and Mum we walked into the rocket I was so excited but Mum wasn't I said to mum "it will be OK mum"mum smiled at me,I smiled back "it would be cool if we found a new planet"Dad said "it would be cool"I said "maybe we will"Mum said as soon as mum finished talking the count down started 10,9,8"here we go"I said 7,6,5 "oh why did I do this"mum said 4,3,2,1 BLAST OF as quick as a wink we were out in space Me and dad got our space gear on Mum said we are crazy I just think mum overrated a bit.The door opened we jumped out of the rocket ship into space "look I yelled "what planet is that dad"i said to him "I do not know actually"Said Dad "lets go back and tell the others"I said we told mum "lets go back to earth"mum said and so we did Dad told the space company they were shocked and from then on it was a great discovery.                                                            

reading week 6 space


this was my learning for the week witch was space 
what do you know about space?

About the world war 2 Jewish people

 This is my writing journal for 2021 there will be all my writing going on there for the year

About the world war 2 Jewish people 

The history of the Jews during World War 2 is almost synonymous with the persecution and murder of Jews which was committed on an unprecedented scale in Europe and European North Africa.Jews or Jewish people are members of an ethnoreligious group and a nation originating from the Israelites and Hebrews of historical Israel and Judah.if you don’t know what Jewish people are they are people back in the day there were people called the Nazis and they tried to find all the Jewish people and put them in a a town that is a jail they would either make them do a bad job other wise they will get killed.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Sofia,Holly and Livia Kawa of Care Frayer Template


We have been learning about kawa of care and we are also learning about blog posts

My learning was very fun and we worked together the whole entire timeHave you ever done cawa of care? Do you know how to take care of your chromebook?.